The Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline (QGIP) provides industry with visibility of the whole-of-government infrastructure pipeline, creating confidence and enabling workforce planning. It tracks the four-year forward program for capital investment in infrastructure, including social infrastructure asset classes, across Queensland. PlaceConnect, supports this visibility by facilitating a community of practice to connect and share opportunities.

Our Future State: Advancing Queensland's Priorities defines six priorities for advancing Queensland. Place-based social infrastructure supports four of the six priorities:

  1. Create jobs in a strong economy
  2. Give all our children a great start
  3. Keep Queenslanders healthy
  4. Keep communities safe
  5. Protect the Great Barrier Reef
  6. Be a responsive government.

Healthy Places, Healthy People Framework - Walking Towards Healthier Cities provides an analysis of global case studies and establishes lessons learned from cities that have successfully transformed to become healthier, more walkable cities.

As the Australian Infrastructure Plan 2021 states “Social infrastructure, and the services it supports, not only enables Australians to live better lives, it delivers substantial direct and indirect benefits to the nation’s economy.”

PlaceConnect focuses on social infrastructure that enables and supports social and community services (schools, health and community hubs), and shares, co-locates or integrates infrastructure.

As the State Infrastructure Strategy states “Well-planned and integrated social infrastructure results in more accessible, adaptable and well-used facilities that bring people together, responding to changing local needs and supporting healthy, happy and livable communities”

Social infrastructure can be planned to be collocated and designed to be welcoming infrastructure. In the longer term this contribution to community safety can improved by supporting community building and social capital.