Stakeholders from agencies, industry, community organisations, and local government who plan, prioritise and sequence infrastructure.

There are four key pathways within this site: PlaceConnect (social infrastructure), IISC, State Government Infrastructure Group (SIWG), and Infrastructure Proposal Development (IPD) group.

Registration to PlaceConnect is limited to stakeholders who plan, prioritise and sequence infrastructure. This could also include people from academia and the private sector. We authenticate users during the registration process.

The information, tools and resources are open to all users.

To comment, collaborate or share information you need to register as a user on PlaceConnect. Participation is restricted to people involved with planning or delivering infrastructure or services.

Yes, your privacy is protected. The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning will only use your email to share information and update you. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose.

For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

Participation in discussion is limited to verified members of the infrastructure community and discussions are not visible to the general public.

Moderators are not able to alter or edit forum comments. Forum comments will only be removed if they are deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious as outlined in the Moderation Policy. Users may be notified if their comments are removed and informed of the moderation process.