
Term Definition


Within each hub delivery phase, there are different actions that should be implemented in order to facilitate the delivery of the hub. The actions identified in this Practice Guide relate to good practice-based, tangible activities aimed at progress towards a milestone.


Each hub delivery phase is characterised by the unique circumstances stakeholders and service users find themselves in due to the progress made at a certain stage with the delivery of the hub. In other words, the hub delivery phase is characterised through the actions implemented, milestones achieved, and outputs produced at a certain stage.

Community Hubs

Community hubs are a form of social infrastructure which enable community members to access local resources and services by clustering community facilities and services in a single location. They are collaboratively planned and designed to improve community access to services, maximise shared investment outcomes, and generate greater social benefit by better utilising infrastructure.

Cross-sector organisations Refers to state government agencies, local governments, community services sector e.g., Not-For-Profits, other community services, philanthropic, private enterprise e.g., allied services, developers, architects, etc., and academia.

Hub and outreach

Refers to a model of service delivery where mobile and/or outreach services are delivered to an area via centralised, integrated hub.

Hub delivery phase

The delivery of a hub can be divided into different phases. This Practice Guide distinguishes four phases: planning, establishment, growth, and maturity. Each of the phases differs from each other in its characteristics, milestones, actions, outputs.


Impacts are what the long-term outcomes inevitably work towards. They should resonate with the goals and objectives of the service.

Implementation charge

Refers to a charge made to the developer to contribute to employment, community development, ecological sustainability and innovation.

Implementation charge offset

Instead of making a financial contribution towards the implementation charge a developer may elect to deliver implementation works and receive an offset against the implementation charge.

Implementation Outcomes

The short-term outcomes desired by stakeholders with the implementation of the YFCP, which usually pertain to the extent to which the program or intervention is reaching its intended audience and being delivered as intended.

Infrastructure agreement

An agreement between the developer and government regarding obligations for infrastructure provision or payment of infrastructure charges.


The resources invested to produce outputs.

Intervention logic

This is a component of the measurement framework and used to establish the logic of how the hub is seeking to effect change in the target cohort(s); i.e., setting out the inputs, processes, outputs and short to long term outcomes and impacts of the hub.

Key success factor

Research shows that there are different enablers that facilitate the delivery of integrated services in growth areas, referred to in this Practice Guide as key success factors: Focus and vision, collaborative and detailed planning, leadership and management, governance and culture, measurement and funding.

Lead agency

Medium to Long Term Outcomes

The specific outcomes desired by stakeholders. Outcomes may be achieved over time – in the medium or longer term.


The milestones of hub delivery phases relate to the production of outputs and to the unique specific actions aimed at shaping the circumstances for stakeholders. Once a specific milestone has been achieved, hub delivery moves from one phase to another eventually shifting the focus from certain key success factor to others.

Model of service

A model that articulates principles of operational design and delivery of the hub, including aspects such as the targeted user cohort, their needs, and the services and supports (including relevant delivery models) that will be used to achieve the outcomes of the hub. It provides more details on the operational aspects, the how, of the overarching Intervention logic.


Statements describing the results to be achieved. They should be articulated in a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) manner.


The short term, tangible products delivered by the activities.

Partners (key)


Social Infrastructure



Yarrabilba Family and Community Place - a community centre that has been purpose built to support the growth and development of the Yarrabilba and Logan Rivers region communities by addressing identified socio-economic needs. It is based on an integrated service model developed on the rapidly growing master planned Yarrabilba community.


Acronym Expansion
ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
AEDC Australian Early Development Census
BCC Brisbane City Council
BCDF Business Case Development Framework
BCE Brisbane Catholic Education
BCR Benefit Cost Ratio
CALD Culturally And Linguistically Diverse
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
CBO Community-Based Organisation
CBRC Cabinet Budget Review Committee
CEA Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
CHaPs Community Hubs and Partnerships
CHQ Children’s Health Queensland
CIIP Community Infrastructure Investment Partnership
CLLO Cabinet Legislation and Liaison Office
CYJMA Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
DCDS Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors
DoE Department of Education
DoH Department of Housing
DPC Department of the Premier and Cabinet
DPO Deputy Premier's Office
DRDMW Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water
DSDILGP Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning
DSDMIP Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning
DSS Department of Social Services (Federal Government)
DSS Desired Stands of Service
DTATSIPCA Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts
DTIS Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport
DYJESBT Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training
EAG Evaluation Advisory Group
ECSS Early Childhood and State Schools
EDQ Economic Development Queensland
EOFY End Of Financial Year
EPW Energy and Public Works
FF&E Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment
FNQROC FNQ Regional Organisation of Councils
FY Financial Year
IAQ The Infrastructure Association of Queensland Inc.
ICC Infrastructure Cabinet Committee
ICER Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio
ICT Information, Communication, Technology
IPDP Infrastructure Proposal Development Policy
IRS Infrastructure and Regional Strategy
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LCC Logan City Council
LGAQ Local Government Association of Queensland
NFP Not-For-Profit
NGO Non-Government Organisation
NPV Net Present Value
OAF Opportunities Assessment Framework
OBI Outcomes-Based Infrastructure
OPIO Olympic and Paralympic Infrastructure Office
PCG Program Coordination Group
PDA Priority Development Area
PHN Primary Healthcare Network
PMG Project Management Group

Policy, Portfolio and Government Services

PSC Project Steering Committee
QED Department of Education
QG Queensland Government
QGIP Queensland Government Infrastructure Pipeline
QGSO Queensland Government Statistician’s Office
QT Queensland Treasury
RCF Regional Community Forum
RDA Regional Development Australia
REDA Regional Economic Development Approach
RGF Regional Growth Framework
RIP Regional Infrastructure Plan
RMCN Regional Managers Coordination Network
ROI Return On Investment
RP Regional Plan
RPC Regional Planning Committee
RSP Regional Spatial Planning
RWG Regional Working Group
SIS State Infrastructure Strategy
SIWG State Infrastructure Working Group
SME Subject Matter Expert OR Small-Medium Enterprise (context)
SROI Social Return On Investment
SRP Statutory Regional Plan
SSI Semi-Structured Interview
SSI Strategy for Social Infrastructure
TMR Transport and Main Roads
ToR Terms of Reference
YFCCH Yarrabilba Families Children and Community Hub
YFCP Yarrabilba Family and Community Place