Scene showing different examples of social infrastructure

Welcome to PlaceConnect

A community of practice (CoP) connecting members who plan and deliver place-based social infrastructure.

This interactive platform enables members to work together to deliver liveability outcomes for Queensland communities.

Who is PlaceConnect for?

If you’re planning or delivering social infrastructure, then Log In / Sign up. It’s cross sector, with members from government, community services sector, private sector, academia and not for profits.

"Unlock the power of shared wisdom! PlaceConnect CoP is a hub for knowledge exchange, where members tap into best practices, lessons learned and partnership opportunities"

Connect. Contribute. Collaborate.

Everyone has access to our site resources. Log In / Sign up (top right) to join the discussion on PlaceConnect CoP.

We welcome your feedback

This is the first iteration of PlaceConnect and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to improve it and inform future iterations. Let us know here.